7 Chakras in Human Body

chakras are energy centers within our body play a vital role in our overall well-being.

Location: At the base of the spine Color: Red Element: Earth Mantra: Lam

It is associated with our sense of stability, grounding, and survival instincts.

Location: Lower abdomen, below the navel Color: Orange Element: Water Mantra: Vam

It influences our sense of abundance, pleasure, and overall well-being.

Location: At the upper abdomen Color: Yellow Element: Fire Mantra: Ram

It governs our ability to take control of our lives and make decisions with assertiveness.

Location: At the chest center Color: Green Element: Air Mantra: Yam

It governs our ability to give and receive love, both to ourselves and others.

Location: At the base of the throat Color: Blue Element: Space Mantra: Ham

It governs our ability to effectively express our thoughts, emotions, and personal power.

Location: Between the eyebrows, forehead Color: Indigo Element: Light Mantra: Om

It governs our ability to tap into our inner guidance, perceive beyond the physical realm, and gain deeper insight.

Location: At the top of the head Color: Violet White Element: Conscience Mantra: Aum

It is associated with higher consciousness, enlightenment, and our ability to transcend the physical world.

7 Chakras In Human Body And Their Meaning